Thursday, November 12, 2009

Kids in Captwn,South Africa

The kids in Capetown,South Africa marched to city hall.They marched to city hall in South Africa because 15 years later after rule ended the African National Congress made alot of polictes to transform schools opprunity and most of them had failed .
Now thers a new movement with succesful goals and youful , organnized and idealistic. In 1976 police police officers shot a 13 year old named Hector Pieterson in Soweto. Then, it started to spread across the country Caetown, South Africa. Students from a mixed race highschool Salt River marched in solidarty with black school children.
School children in New York can get out of this the differences in which how decated in which what. Or what polces are working or not.


ASHLEY said...
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Editor said...


What were some of the other reasons students are demonstrating in South Africa? Can you see any differences or similarities between our school and their schools?

You should have 4 paragraphs in your essay. You have some good facts but they don't explain your answers to the essay questions. Also, please make sure you put spaces after commas and periods when you type, and not before.

Mr. Enders

Meaning = 3/5
Development = 3/5
Organization = 2/5 (4 paragraphs)
Language = 3/5