Thursday, May 20, 2010


 Dear My Dead Family,

  How you doing today? Is God being good to you? I am so sorry that you in such a horrible time. I will do anything to stop this killer even if he kills you. I will tell the cops as many times it takes. I know if you were here right now you would look at me weird and say if the cops ain't doing anything I will, but you know me don't like  being that harmful.
Dear killer,

 I hate you I hope you die and can you stop trying to kill my family there is cops seasrching for you. I am getting tired of cops coming to my door with people saying your family member is dead or roasted in turkey graving and sent to Haiti for food, cause of the earthqauke.
   I will call Special Victims Unit on you. You Dont Know Me Like That!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                                                                                               Sincerly, Kayla

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Dramatic plot structure

 1.  Introduction 
A. He  setting of the story is a girl who lives in Hawaii and dies she was the princess of England taking a vacation.
B. The story is in England and Hawaii.

     2. Rising Action
A. The main characters are Kayla her stepmother died in a murder and that was the only family she had and she didn't tell the cops cause she will be in the foster home so she is homeless looking for somebody to find her a family that is the main character.
The second main character is the killer he knew her stepmother from high school he killed her because he wanted to go to prom with her but she said no and wanted to have a family with but she had a family with James a hot football player.
B.Kayla wants the killer to stop killing everyone in her family and just leave him alone.

A. The most important event is  killing his crush stepmother and killing hiself cause she doesnt love him.
B.  The turning point of my character is James the killer finally sees Kayla having a great time with her family on christmas.

       4. Falling Action 
A. Kayla moves to were most family moves.
B. The main character reaction (Kayla) should I forgive him or not?

A. The main character learns if you want someone and they don't want you have to move on. 
B.  The characters is trying to bail himself out or get a new lawyer.

Monday, May 3, 2010

begining of novel project


Did you know my step mom got slached in the leg and chopped the leg off, baked with bqq and honey. Then my dad cursed the killer out in a very rude manner. My step mom  name is KAtherine Heart she was a heart surgeon and cared a lot of what she did. All the guys in the world thought she was hot cause she used to a binki model. We lived in California and was the kind of lady you should not think she dumd cause she is blondy. I know the killer was Katherine Martin my mom she hated my dad wife cause she is pretty,blond and named Katherine. My said if she looks at me or my daughter there will be some problems. I guess she saw us at the mall together she is pretty mad.And did I tell you my mom has anger mangment problems. Well she does (I can never get an F,C,D,B+ I will be road kill). I will tell you the rest later. Bye....